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Comments about this page

  • Hi there, came across this site by accident and I love it. I was born in Salisbury in 1971 but moved away with my mum in 1984. My mum lived in Polden rd and later in Wessex rd, my gran also lived in Polden rd, and my aunt and uncle in tolgate rd. And at one time my brother lived in rampart rd. Even though we lived Wessex rd we went to st Martin’s infant and junior schools and st Martin’s church. My great grandmother worked in salt lane laundry. My mum was always telling me what tolgate rd was like before the rd changed, with porky hitting the cattle. I used to hang out at the greencroft, the shop opposite which is now a cafe used to be a junk shop. As for Ken Edwards his uncle was my godfather.
    This is a brilliant site, I love loading it discussing it with my mum. Congratulations on your work.

    By Veronica Guy (21/04/2021)
  • Thanks Xander, we are delighted that you like the website. Good luck with your research!
    Clare, Project Co-ordinator

    By Clare Christopher (14/09/2019)
  • I came across this site while researching the Milford Street goods yard. This site is a gold mine of valuable information and photos, especially as there is very little information on this topic available elsewhere.
    The quick and amicable response of the team behind it is also a pleasure.
    Many Thanks,
    Xander Veitch

    By Xander Veitch (14/09/2019)
  • I’m so glad you like the website, Nicola. I know Rita, our Rampart Road expert, has been in touch so I hope you have found some useful information about your relatives.

    By Clare Christopher (20/09/2016)
  • What a wonderful and interesting web site. I really enjoyed looking at before and present day photos. I have many relations that lived in the Milford area, going back many generations. Rampart Road, Culver Street, Fair view Terrace and the area that now forms the Friary. Such a shame that so many lovely buildings were demolished to make way for the ring road. Hopefully with your help I will be able to locate where 1 Rampart Road originally stood as my great great grandfather lived there. (Stephen Clasby). Many Thanks.

    By Nicola Matthews (12/09/2016)
  • Hi Ann,
    thanks for your comment. Our project has focussed on the twentieth century so we haven’t got anything that goes back far enough for you. Why not try Wiltshire Family History Society? Or maybe someone has another idea? Regards, Clare (Project Co-ordinator)

    By Clare Christopher (08/10/2015)
  • Hello
    I found your site when trying to find out about my Gt Gt Grandfather, John Lipscomb. On the 1841 census he is shown as living in Milford Street. He is the first person mentioned after the census leaves Penny Farthing Lane.
    Do you have any old photos of that time, if there were such things?

    By Ann Rush (07/10/2015)
  • The site is very much still live and we welcome comments and contributions!

    By Clare Christopher (03/03/2015)
  • I found this sight purely by chance and was interested by the content. Why? you ask, I lived in Culver Street and Penny Farthing Street between 1962 and 1971 My Father worked for the Dairy and I “helped” on the milk round and had paper rounds around these streets, I also delivered groceries for a shop half way up Milford Hill. If this site is still active could you let me know and I will add as much as I can. A lot of my memories may be motor vehicle related but I can use these to aid my memory for other things like firms that operated in the area.
    I hope this site is still live,
    E Collins

    By Edward Collins (02/03/2015)

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